Advancing Social Accountability in Medical Education: The ISAT Self-Assessment at the Universidad de La Sabana



Social Accountability, Medical Education, ISAT Tool, Curriculum Reform, Health Equity, Colombia


This article presents an evaluation of the self-assessment process conducted at the Universidad de La Sabana’s Faculty of Medicine using the Indicators for Social Accountability Tool (ISAT). Established in 1994, the faculty has committed to producing medical professionals who contribute to the common good, recently implementing a curricular reform to better align medical education with evolving community health needs. The ISAT self-assessment aimed to evaluate the institution’s progress in key areas: student recruitment, faculty development, curriculum content, governance, social responsibility, and research impact.

Our methodology began with forming a core assessment team of experienced faculty members who participated in the Social Accountability Fellowship, co-hosted by The Network: TUFH and NOSM University. The team utilized the ISAT tool, collecting data through structured discussions, workshops, and consultations with our constituencies. Our findings revealed significant strides in curriculum reform and faculty development, with public health elements and community-based education increasingly integrated into the curriculum. However, challenges remain in attracting and supporting students from marginalized communities, formalizing community involvement in governance, and fully integrating research activities with broader social accountability goals.

This assessment underscores the need for innovative strategies to overcome financial and socio-economic barriers, enhance community partnerships, and ensure that institutional decisions are informed by community needs. The article concludes that while the faculty has made notable progress, sustained effort, collaboration, and strategic innovation are required to further advance its social accountability agenda. Moving forward, Universidad de La Sabana’s Faculty of Medicine aims to refine its strategies in student recruitment, governance, research integration, and interprofessional education to remain at the forefront of socially accountable medical education in Colombia and beyond. The faculty’s commitment to these principles is essential for creating a healthcare workforce dedicated to building capacity to serve the complexity of the quintuple aim of societal health needs.

Author Biographies

Claudia Liliana Jaimes Peñuela, Universidad de La Sabana

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

Camilo Alejandro Correal Muñoz, Universidad de La Sabana

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

Francisco Lamus Lemus, Universidad de La Sabana

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health




How to Cite

Jaimes Peñuela, C. L., Correal Muñoz, C. A., & Lamus Lemus, F. (2024). Advancing Social Accountability in Medical Education: The ISAT Self-Assessment at the Universidad de La Sabana. Social Innovations Journal, 26. Retrieved from