New Zealand Physician Associates


  • Lisa deWolfe


New Zealand, Physician Associates


Similar to other countries, the Physician Associates (PA) profession began in New Zealand as a pilot demonstration with US trained PAs due to a projected shortage of General Practitioners in the future.  In 2012, seven US trained PAs were recruited to work in primary care and rural emergency medicine. This successful pilot has led to the recruitment of additional PAs to work throughout the country.  There are currently 10 PAs working in the country. The program is still in its infancy in New Zealand; however, PAs are working hard to develop the framework for expansion of the role and the creation of an educational program to create homegrown PAs.

Author Biography

Lisa deWolfe

Lisa joined a general practice clinic in the Far North of New Zealand in February 2019. She graduated from the Physician Assistant Program at Northeastern University in 1987. She worked in the United States (US) for 30 years in emergency medicine, family practice, and internal medicine practicing in the state of Maine. International medicine has been a passion of hers and she worked at Maine Migrant mobile clinics in the US and has worked in India, Palestine, Belize, and Honduras.  She is the current president of the New Zealand Physician Associate Society (NZPAS) and works at Te Hiku Hauora General Practitioner Clinic.




How to Cite

deWolfe, L. (2021). New Zealand Physician Associates. Social Innovations Journal, 8. Retrieved from