A Personal Backstory to a T-Practice Workshop: Moving Beyond Boundaries - Opening to the Power of Metaphor


  • Marcelle Holdaway PhD, Adjunct Fellow Accountability and Sustainability, Sustainability Research Centre, School of Law and Society, University of the Sunshine Coast - Australia. Corresponding Author: marcelle4487@gmail.com


Complexity, Futures, Metaphor, Wisdom, Insight


Today’s complex problems and the lack of wisdom to solve them make it imperative to explore and experiment with possible new approaches to transformative futures. Among the challenges are the West’s propensity for favoring monodisciplinary approaches to knowledge and its focus on detail at the expense of context and big-picture thinking. This paper suggests one possible tool to expand our narrow boundaries by embracing the potential power of metaphor as a pathway to new narratives.

Author Biography

Marcelle Holdaway, PhD, Adjunct Fellow Accountability and Sustainability, Sustainability Research Centre, School of Law and Society, University of the Sunshine Coast - Australia. Corresponding Author: marcelle4487@gmail.com

Dr Marcelle Holdaway is self-described as a pracademic and imagineer inspired by rewilding (inner and outer), (authentic) sustainability, and futures thinking. Healing ourselves and the planet is her bottom line. Previously working as a social and environmental accountant and v auditor affiliated with Social Audit Network (UK), her PhD thesis explored a practice-base for democratising stakeholder engagement by corporations. Linking two distant fields, accounting and futures methods, was for some a step too far. However, the journey led her to futures thinking, futures methodologies and knowledge futures.

Corresponding Author: marcelle4487@gmail.com




How to Cite

Holdaway, M. (2023). A Personal Backstory to a T-Practice Workshop: Moving Beyond Boundaries - Opening to the Power of Metaphor. Social Innovations Journal, 22. Retrieved from https://socialinnovationsjournal.com/index.php/sij/article/view/6962