Research Pods: A Paradigm Shift Within Complementary Medicine Research


  • Dr. Celeste Salter Research coordinator, The Aurum Project, and Homeopath - Australia. Corresponding Author:
  • Sunny Goddard Practitioner, Homeopathic Medicine - Australia
  • Linlee Jordan Director, Harbord Homeopathic Clinic and The Aurum Project - Australia


research pods, medicine research, case study, transformative practices


This paper is an appreciative enquiry case study about values, theories and activities of the Research Pods (Pods) within The Aurum Project (AP). AP is an Australian natural medicine not-for-profit research organisation. The development of Pods represents a paradigm shift occurring within AP. The Pods initiative directly confronts the current conventional medical research paradigm by implementing transformative practices based on Teal Organisational Theory (Teal). The three main pillars of Teal are wholeness, evolutionary purpose and self management. These pillars impact the relationships formed in the Pods in a way that transforms Teal theory into practice. These practices enhance group dynamics by fostering resilience as well as producing research outcomes. Pods offers a novel approach for practitioners to engage in research activity in meaningful ways.  AP began Pods in 2019 and current active Pods are progressing along this pathway. Our transformative process and implementation of Pods is discussed in this paper. 

Author Biographies

Dr. Celeste Salter, Research coordinator, The Aurum Project, and Homeopath - Australia. Corresponding Author:

Celeste has spent a few years bringing a varied set of experiences into alignment. A professional member of the Australian Homœopathic Association and registered with the Australian Register of Homœopaths her qualifications include an Advanced Practitioner Diploma from The School of Homeopathy and a Bachelor in Psychological Sciences at UNE. She has many other awards and experiences from other lifetimes spent in industry and academia in engineering, materials science, education and social studies. As the current Research Coordinator for The Aurum Project, Celeste is one of the thought leaders empowering practitioners in a Teal way to conduct research that have meaningful impacts for them and their patients. 

Corresponding Author:

Sunny Goddard, Practitioner, Homeopathic Medicine - Australia

Sunny has worked in alternative healing for over 20 years, beginning her career as a massage therapist. Sunny moved into stress management, lifestyle counselling and some alternative approaches before returning to further studies in health sciences and homeopathic medicine. She now works as a homeopath in regional Australia, and is interested in the deeper causes of illness and accordingly, deeper ways of healing and recovery, beyond treating only the physical symptoms.

Linlee Jordan, Director, Harbord Homeopathic Clinic and The Aurum Project - Australia

Linlee is the Director and Founder of The Aurum Project which is a non-profit organisation conducting Complementary and Alternative Medicine research. She is also Director of the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic in Brookvale Sydney. Linlee has a background in nursing, education, and is an author. She was head of Faculty at Nature Care College for 10 years. She is committed to implementing holistic practices, such as Teal, in research, education and organisational management.




How to Cite

Salter, C., Goddard, S., & Jordan, L. (2023). Research Pods: A Paradigm Shift Within Complementary Medicine Research. Social Innovations Journal, 22. Retrieved from