Inquiry into Inclusive, Transformative Learning Processes for Knowledge and Wisdom Creation on Underlying Root Issues in Sustainability: Insights from the WorldEthicForum Convening 2023


  • Luea Ritter Co-Founder and Creative Steward, Collective Transitions; WorldEthicForum - Greece. Corresponding Author:
  • Marco Gyger MA, WorldEthicForum - Switzerland
  • Dr. Anaïs Sägesser Dr., scaling4good - Switzerland
  • Marie-Pascale Gafinen Illustrator & Scribe - Germany


Root Issues, Social Field Resonance, knowledge and Wisdom Creation, Generative Scribing


This paper addresses the question of how Generative Scribing and the practice of Social Field Resonance can foster inclusive and transformative learning processes for knowledge and wisdom creation on underlying root issues in sustainability. It presents a practitioner's reflection in the context of the WorldEthicForum’s (WEFo). The WEFo is a global inquiry-based living lab embracing a multistakeholder, trans-contextual, cross-sector, and intergenerational approach to fostering a regenerative future. This paper shares some of the main insights and lessons learned from the second in-person convening of the WEFo in August 2023 in Pontresina, Switzerland. It particularly uses the lens of the Generative Scribing (GS) practice (Bird 2018b) that accompanied the two-and-a-half days and the Social Field Resonance (SFR) practice (Scharmer and Pomeroy 2019) that took place on the last day.  

This paper explores the experiences of effectively co-holding space, deepening relationships, and learning across cultures and sectors, addressing local and global challenges. Furthermore, it brings to light the importance of working with diverse forms of knowledge and wider ways of knowing for navigating complexity. It also emphasises the importance of engaging with and collectively learning from felt experiences, emerging questions, and root cause-related dynamics through GS and SFR.

The paper concludes by sharing lessons learned and emerging questions, as well as offering valuable insights for advancing the practices to help foster the co-design of transformative learning processes for knowledge and wisdom creation to drive sustainable transformations.

Author Biographies

Luea Ritter, Co-Founder and Creative Steward, Collective Transitions; WorldEthicForum - Greece. Corresponding Author:

Luea works internationally across sectors to design and steward collective transition processes that embrace the challenge and potential of our times. Her work focuses on building individual and collective capacities. She thrives within complexity and, through a diverse medley of fields, has developed a high sensitivity for context-based social dynamics.

Corresponding Author:

Marco Gyger, MA, WorldEthicForum - Switzerland

Marco Gyger lives and loves complexity, music, nature, and the spoken & written word. As a trained outdoor and adult educator, he accompanies people in their processes of learning and empowers them through asking deep questions. He focuses on co-creating a regenerative pathway to our common future. On this way he senses and explores emerging connections and thrives by making them tangible to others. With his background in educational philosophy and theory of education, he is interested in deliberative democracy and currently worked at the 2022 Citizens' Assembly for Food Policy. At BaselWandel a transition town organisation, he writes the monthly newsletter. His monthly three-hour theme-centred music collection airs as mindful moment of sounds at radio Kanal K.

Dr. Anaïs Sägesser, Dr., scaling4good - Switzerland

Anaïs is a reflective practitioner and thrives in accompanying individuals and groups of people in service of both social equity and systems change. She engages with a warm heart and keen intellect in transdisciplinary co-creation processes towards regeneration and a #radicallysharedaliveness

Marie-Pascale Gafinen, Illustrator & Scribe - Germany

Marie-Pascale Gafinen is an illustrator and scribe who communicates social and ecological topics. She works with NGOs and public institutions throughout Europe and helps them to visualize the better world they’re trying to create. She has a background in communication design and Environment and Bio-Resources Management. Marie-Pascale first encountered Generative Scribing in 2018 and combines this with action methods like sociodrama, applied to global issues. In 2021 she offered her first training for Generative Scribing called "explore and reflect“ with the International Sociodrama & Creative Action Network. She received a Diploma from HBKsaar and a BA from University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.




How to Cite

Ritter, L., Gyger, M., Sägesser, A., & Gafinen, M.-P. (2023). Inquiry into Inclusive, Transformative Learning Processes for Knowledge and Wisdom Creation on Underlying Root Issues in Sustainability: Insights from the WorldEthicForum Convening 2023. Social Innovations Journal, 22. Retrieved from