Improving Outcomes for Youth Transitioning from Foster Care to Adulthood:

An Innovative Model and Recommendations for Funding


  • Rosaleen Holohan Tabor Children's Services, Inc.
  • Dawn Mott Tabor Children's Services, Inc.


foster care, transition to adulthood, policy, foster care outcomes, Appreciative Inquiry


Transitioning to adulthood is a daunting challenge for young people and can be a frightening time for young adults exiting the foster care system. Short-term and long-term outcomes for youth transitioning from foster care remain poor, when compared with all youth. These poor outcomes translate directly into lack of sustainable employment and contributing to the tax base, and increased use of public benefits. Housing instability has been identified as one of the major barriers to improving outcomes for this population. Extending services beyond age 18 when youth typically exit foster care is a critically important strategy for improving outcomes for youth. While many states have extended foster care services, funding streams are not set up to offer all the supports needed, including housing supports. To address this problem, Tabor Children’s Services has developed an innovative program model which improves supports for youth, and recommendations for using existing federal funding to promote housing stability.




How to Cite

Holohan, R., & Mott, D. (2021). Improving Outcomes for Youth Transitioning from Foster Care to Adulthood: : An Innovative Model and Recommendations for Funding. Social Innovations Journal, 6. Retrieved from



Human Services: Population Health
