Scaling Social Innovation: How Can Government–NGO Partnerships Succeed?


  • Galit Sagie Joint Israel
  • Guy Avrutzky Joint Israel
  • Dr. Sigal Shelach Joint Israel


implementation of social innovation, Government, Non Profits, scaling, Cross-sectoral partnerships


Government-NGO partnerships present a promising avenue for scaling social innovations, combining the agility and creativity of NGOs with the resources and reach of government agencies. However, achieving successful collaboration is no easy feat and requires overcoming multiple operational and cultural barriers. Drawing from the experience of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (the Joint) and the Government of Israel, the article presents a three-step model—Design, Nurture, Accelerate (DNA)—that has demonstrated a 70% success rate in incubating and scaling social innovations. Using three scale-ups as examples, the article encapsulates key insights for successful government-NGO partnerships and offers practical guidance for stakeholders.

Author Biography

Galit Sagie, Joint Israel

Strategy and Management Consultant (former Director of Strategy, Joint-Israel)




How to Cite

Sagie, G., Avrutzky, G., & Shelach, S. (2024). Scaling Social Innovation: How Can Government–NGO Partnerships Succeed?. Social Innovations Journal, 24. Retrieved from